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Kundalini Reiki


Kundalini Reiki


Kundalini Reiki is a unique form of Reiki develop in the 1990s by Danish Reiki Master Ole Gabrielsen. It is an unique form of Reiki with an emphasis on igniting a process of personal growth and expansion. Kundalini Reiki lacks the traditional symbolism of Usui Reiki. It is a synthesis of the philosophies of Reiki as a spiritual (Sky) energy with Tantric ideals of Kundalini and Earth energy. 

The energy treatment takes place simply by sitting in a chair comfortably, or lying down. There will be some relaxing music in the background. I will connect with the energies of the cosmos and prepare you to activate and welcome the energy of Kundalini Reiki.


Have you decided that you want the benefits of Reiki to help you with your illness, condition or for recharging your energy? I would be honored to help you through Kundalini Reiki.

Distants Reiki is the same as contact Reiki, apart from the fact that you’re not coming to see me in person but will connect online. You will be wherever you are, wherever in the world that might be.

You can receive your Reiki from me during on an evening or an weekend, if you choose. 

Once you have purchased your session you will be contacted by email to arrange the date and time.

Time: 40 Minutes.

Reiki session Options:

  • Online through Zoom.
  • In presence whenever it possible.

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Benefits of Kundalini reiki